Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Footsteps To Our Past: Getting to know our Ancestors ONE by ONE

African saying:

"When an elder dies, it is as if an entire library has burned to the ground."

As time passes so do ways and means of doing things.  I love researching my family history and it brings me great joy to find and put together stories of those that have gone before.  I had a lot of information on these sites, but they were more data than stories.  I feel inspired to create a better way to share stories and life events so I have deleted the info here and it can be found on Family Search and Ancestry web sites.  They aren't complete and never really will be, but a foundation to help put together and understand the lives our ancestors once lived. 

My season right now limits my time to work on this, but I hope to be able to balance things out and be able to put together stories that help us come to know our ancestors better than just names, places and dates. 

1 comment:

  1. Robert Evans
    My Great......Grandfather is Allen Evans 1745
